As part of my independent studio i make films and videos for a variety of clients: short atmospheric films, crowdfunding campaigns for Kickstarter and Indiegogo, and documentaries for the cinema and Israeli television. I do together with my crew everything: we develop the idea, execute it, produce it, edit it and create all the sets and costumes. Each project gives me the opportunity to meet incredible people, with all their inventions and ideas. Together we find, match, and build their unique story.
The “Ruche” shelving units confounding film was one of my first that I made for a Kickstarter film. I was approached by an industrial designer at Politecnico di Milano, Ruthi Shafrir. She invented a shelving unit inspired by the natural perfection of honeycomb in bee hives. Together i learned, developed, and discovered the story she needed to communicate the idea to people. Step by step, we finished the movie, and she launched the campaign. The campaign was a success (28,000$ = 200% off her original pledge) and that’s Ruthi’s main occupation since then.
Ruthie’s story is part of my experience with many special people, stories and projects, and has inspired me during the last several years. To be surrounded by innovators and makers is inspiration: